Friday, October 12, 2012

The Walking Dead Season 2 E10: 18 Miles Out

If you have not read my review for episode 9 from this season, you may do so here: The Walking Dead Season 2 E9: Triggerfinger

We open on Rick and Shane, beat up and running from walkers.  What in the world is going on?!  Guess we will have to wait and see because after the credits it flashes back to before this incident.  We pick up on Rick and Shane driving to a place to drop off Randall, they stop to talk about Lori, Otis and how things are going to be.  Shane apologizes to Rick.

Lori and Maggie have a conversation about Glenn and how men will blame the little lady for their problems.  Lori thinks Glenn needs to man up.  Still driving, Rick and Shane talk about using knives instead of guns, because it draws less attention.  Shane sits gazing out the window and spots a lone walker in a field.  He relates to it, as he now feels alone, having lost Lori and been (in his mind anyway) rejected by the group.

Arriving at what looks to be a good drop off spot for Randall, our heroes kill some walkers using their new method.  I don’t think this makes much sense, they cut their hands to wipe blood on something so the walkers are drawn to it.  The thing is, walkers always come after them anyway so why cut your hand?  Also if they keep cutting their hands with the knives they already used to stab walkers, wouldn’t that infect them?  Guess not!  Shane sees two dead police officers who appear to not have any bite marks on them, assumes it must be due to scratches.

Beth (Hershel’s daughter) has a talk with Lori and attempts to steal a knife from her tray of food, to kill herself, but Lori puts two and two together after their conversation.  Back at the drop off spot, they start to leave Randall when he mentions he knows Maggie, they went to school together.  He knows where the farm is.  Just some more consequences of Rick’s really dumb decision to take this guy back to camp with them in the first place.  Rick knew this guy’s group had tried to kill them multiple times and that they rape and murder people, why would you bring him to the camp with your wife, child and friends?!

As unstable as Shane is, he is usually more right than Rick.  He doesn’t go about it in the right way, and he can’t be trusted because he will kill innocent people to carry out his own plans.  Once again Shane is a hot head and wants to kill Randall right on the spot.  Rick wants the night to think it over.  Shane tells Rick that he can’t keep his family safe which leads to a big brawl between them.  Shane throws a giant wrench at Rick but he dodges it, spending it crashing through a window…which was filled with walkers they didn’t know about!

Walkers start coming out through the broken window while Randall uses this opportunity to try and make an escape.  At the farm, we see a few disagreements.  Andrea and Lori bicker over suicide and job placement, while Maggie and Beth have a similar suicide conversation.  Shane makes it to a bus for cover, where the episode began.  He is doing his best to fight off the walkers but there are so many of them he can’t keep it up all day.  Things go from bad to worse when he spots Rick and Randall leave while all the walkers are attempting to get into the bus to get him.

Andrea takes watch of Beth from her sister Maggie.  Leaving the female version of Shane, who constantly does stupid things and thinks suicide is great probably isn’t the best choice here!  Andrea leaves Beth alone to do whatever she wants.  Beth attempts suicide but changes her mind after already injuring herself.  She now wants to live.  Maggie finds out what happened and tells Andrea to never come into the house again.

Rick is on his way out of there when he sees those two dead police officers from earlier.  It reminds him of his old life where him and Shane worked together and were best friends.  Shane loses his knife while fighting off the walkers and all seems lost when Rick and Randall come out of nowhere in a vehicle and take out the zombies to save Shane.  Randall thinks he is part of the group now but they put him back in the trunk and have another conversation.  On the way back to the farm, Shane sees the lone walker in the field once again…

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