Friday, July 20, 2012

Man of Steel teaser trailer review

I just got back from seeing the Dark Knight Rises and before it began, there was a teaser trailer for Man of Steel, the new Superman movie.  This is not the same footage that was shown at Comic-con and it's not a very long trailer.  There actually isn't much of Superman in it at all.  It's mostly about Clark Kent looking rough, like he is traveling the world doing odd jobs, trying to find his mission in life.

Over top of the footage is his Kryptonian father Jor-El speaking; talking about leading mankind, setting an example for them to follow.  The very end of the trailer shows Superman flying straight up from a distance.  That's really about all there was.  It does sort of remind me of Batman Begins, where it's mostly about our hero (out of costume) finding his way in the world and discovering what his mission truly is.  I expect the movie to be something similar to that, just with Superman instead of Batman.

I am excited to see this film.  With Christopher Nolan producing, his writing team doing the script, and Zack Snyder directing, I don't really see how this movie could go wrong.  I will be looking forward to when a full trailer comes out, which could be some time since the movie doesn't open for almost another year.

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