Friday, September 28, 2012

The Walking Dead Season 2 E8: Nebraska

If you have not read my review for episode 7 from this season, you may do so here:  The Walking Dead Season 2 E7: Pretty Much Dead Already

This episode opens immediately where the last one left off.  Rick lowers his gun and looks at what was once Sophia’s body.  Beth runs over to see the body of her mother and is attacked by her.  Beth is saved by the group and an argument breaks out between Shane and Hershel.  Shane thinks Hershel knew Sophia was in the barn all along.  Hershel says Otis was the one who put her in the barn and he knew nothing about it.  Hershel says he wants everyone off of his land which causes Shane and Rick to get into it over how all of this was handled.

Glenn and Maggie have a conversation about the group moving on.  Glenn doesn’t seem to really understand why Maggie is so upset.  Carl tells Lori that Rick did the right thing by shooting Sophia.  His environment is hardening him.  The survivors decide to bury the walkers who used to be loved ones and burn the rest since there are so many of them.  Rick starts to question the decisions he has made.  He risked everyone’s lives out looking for Sophia when she was there on the farm all along (though he can’t be blamed for that since no one knew).

Shane argues and mocks Dale while Dale simply stands there and says nothing in return.  Dale doesn’t even have to say anything, Shane just keeps justifying himself like he already knows what Dale would have said anyway.  Carol gets a little time to go through her feelings.  She knows that Sophia died right away and didn’t suffer out in the woods.  She didn’t starve or spend nights alone being scared.  Maggie attempts to talk to Glenn again about staying if they group leaves just as her sister Beth collapses on the floor.  Needing medical attention, they try to locate Hershel but he is no where to be found.

Putting two and two together, they figure out Hershel is probably at the town bar.  Lori doesn’t want Rick out solving everyone else’s problems but he tells her they need Hershel for the baby.  Rick and Glenn head out and on the way to town they discuss Glenn’s relationship with Maggie.  Meanwhile, Dale tells Lori just how dangerous Shane can be and how he is a ticking time bomb.  Lori attempts to get Daryl to go to town and find Rick but he says it’s not his problem.

Rick and Glenn arrive in town to find Hershel exactly where they figured he would be.  Hershel feels like a fool because he thought the walkers were still alive.  Rick tells him there is nothing wrong with having hope and they discuss life and what kind of future their loved ones can have in this world.  Lori, being stupid as always, decides to go to town and find Rick…because if he is in a bad situation he can’t handle, somehow she will be able to save him having zero fighting ability or skills.  While not paying attention, she hits a walker and flips her car over.  I won’t make any jokes about female drivers here lol

Back at the bar, two men come inside (Dave & Tony).  They seem pretty untrustworthy after a short conversation.  They want Rick to take them back to the farm but he isn’t having any of it.  They end up having a shootout and Rick kills both of them before they have a chance to shoot him.  This is one of the coolest scenes in the show so far and shows just how dangerous Rick can be if he is pushed.  This episode ends back at the farm with several of the survivors burning walker bodies.

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