Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Walking Dead Season 3 E1: Seed (Part 2)

If you have not read the first part of this review, you may do so here: The Walking Dead Season 3 E1: Seed (Part 1)

Rick wants to clear the prison in the morning.  Since the prison looks like it fell early, it could be a gold mine.  Weapons, food, medicine, anything could be in there.  Due to limited ammo (and noise) they will have to do it hand to hand.  The risk is worth it, especially since the prison is divided up into sections.  They already have a safe area so they can just continue to spread out from there.

Lori attempts to talk Rick out of trying to take the prison so soon.  Everyone is tired and finally feels relatively safe, she wants to put this off for a few days but Rick shuts her down quickly.  They are obviously having some problems in their relationship but Rick doesn’t want to deal with them right now.  He says he is doing things right now (to protect her and everyone else), that should be enough.

We meet Andrea and Michonne again.  Nothing much happens except Michonne kills some walkers.  Back at the prison the survivors move in to take the prison using close combat weapons and tactics.  This is smart, everyone is fighting as a group, not just running around randomly.  They run into some interesting zombies here, wearing body armor, which makes them very hard to kill…it also makes me wonder how they got bit in the first place.

Rick wants to make sure there are no blind spots, they can’t risk a zombie attack.  Rick says they need to go into the prison and clear it.  During this process they find some keys to one of the prison blocks on a dead guard.  After clearing the block, they now have a very safe place.  It’s sectioned off, so not only do they have cells but there is a large cell door blocking off that entire section.  This is about as safe from walkers as you can get.

We cut back to Andrea and Michonne again.  They are hiding in some building and all we find out about them is that Andrea is apparently very sick.  Lori wants to talk to Hershel alone.  She is worried about the baby dying and becoming a walker inside of her, or her dying during child birth and attacking everyone.  Hershel tells her not to think like that, then she mentions what is really stressing her out.  Carl won’t talk to her and Rick hates her.  Hershel just says they will get over it in time.

Several of the group members move to clear more of the prison, while the rest are safe in C block (the area they cleared out).  After running into some walkers they get separated from each other.  While Hershel is looking for the others he steps over a zombie he thinks is dead and it bites his leg.  The others find him and act quickly to move him to a relatively safe place and chop his leg off (to keep the virus from spreading).  This is a brutal scene and actually happened in the comic books as well, except to Dale, not Hershel.  After cutting off Hershel’s leg, everyone looks up to see some prisoners in the room with them.

This certainly makes things interesting.  Will Hershel live or die?  Who are these prisoners?  Are they friends or new enemies?

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