Friday, March 22, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 10: Home (Part 2)

If you have not read the first part to this review, you may do so here: The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 10: Home (Part 1)

Carol and Axel seem to be hitting it off while they are fortifying the prison against the Governor.  They are flirting a bit and setting up barriers so they will be able to attack from the high ground when the Governor does arrive.  Merle and Daryl overhear some people being attacked.  They argue over what they are actually hearing but end up checking it out.  Daryl comes to the peoples rescue and kills most of the walkers by himself.

After saving the day, Merle wants to steal everything of value from those people as a reward but Daryl stops him, which starts a conflict.  It’s revealed that Merle and Daryl were going to rob the camp in the first season when they got the chance, but Merle losing his hand stopped that.  Daryl leaves Merle out in the woods by himself to head back to the prison.

Hershel talks to Glenn about his anger and how it’s going to get him killed.  Glenn doesn’t completely listen and decides to go out and look for where the walkers are getting in, by himself.  Not a wise decision.  Rick is still wandering outside the fence, in danger.  Hershel gets his attention and attempts to reason with him.  Hershel informs Rick that Glenn is being wreckless.  Rick tells Hershel that he saw Lori.  He knows she isn’t real but is still chasing her.

Axel and Carol are talking and hitting it off again, and out of no where he takes a bullet to the head!  Didn’t see that one coming!  The Governor has started his attack on the prison.  After a long shootout scene, the Governor’s men drive a truck through the main gate of the prison.  The back of the truck lowers and tons of walkers run out!  This guy is ruthless!  Rick gets surrounded by walkers and looks finished when Merle and Daryl show up and save him.  Glenn also comes back and saves everyone inside of the fence, taking them to safety inside the second fence.

Things are going really badly for our heroes.  Rick is insane, everyone is fighting with each other, the prison courtyard is now filled with walkers and the Governor easily defeated them.  Everyone better pull together soon before it’s too late!

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