Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 8: Made to Suffer

If you have not read my last review, you may do so here:  The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 7: When the Dead Come Knocking (Part 2)

Here we are, the mid season finale.  Last year at this time we had the really big surpirse of finding out Sophia had been dead all along.  It will be interesting to see what they come up with this year.  We have already had a lot of main character die this season so they may not go that route this time.

We open on a new group of survivors.  One is them is a man named Tyreese (who also appears in the comic books).  They are running from some walkers when one of them is bitten on the arm.  They come upon a broken down gate leading to a building with a smashed wall; it’s the prison.  We aren’t filled in on what happened but apparently the back of the prison has been exposed for some time.  This explains how some random, non-prison related walkers had been in the prison before Rick cleared it.

After a brief scene between the Governor and Andrea we get another reminder of just how crazy the Governor really is.  He lets his daughter Penny out again in another attempt to see if she can remember her past life.  It doesn’t work and she is just a raving mad zombie as always.  The Governor takes a huge risk with her every time he wants to play daddy.  One bite and he will be joining her.  I’m also not sure how Andrea never hears Penny moving around since she is locked up in the next room and Andrea is always there.

Glenn and Maggie are still being held in the same room as before.  After Glenn confirms that the Governor didn’t do anything to Maggie he comes up with a plan.  The walker he killed in the last episode is still laying there so he rips it’s arm off and makes weapons out of it’s bones.  Not a bad idea, now he and Maggie are armed and have a fighting chance against whomever (or whatever) walks through that door next.

Rick and his raid party sneak into Woodbury while we find out that the Governor doesn’t even want the prison.  The people of Woodbury like it there because it feels like their previous life.  Living in a prison would be out of place.  The Governor just wants to kill Rick’s group because he doesn’t want anyone else to have it apparently.  Merle makes it clear to the Governor that nothing happens to Daryl.

Unfortunately for a random member of Woodbury, he sees Rick and his group moving through a window and checks it out.  After being questioned (and knowing nothing) they knocked him out and leave him.  Back at the prison Axel starts to hit on Beth.  He has been locked up for a long time.  Carol takes him to the side and talks with him about it.  Axel thought Carol was a lesbian because of her short hair.  She quickly tells him she isn’t interested in him though.

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