Saturday, December 8, 2012

New Star Wars Trilogy: Directors for Episodes 7, 8, 9

From sources at the website Deadline: “I’ve also heard Jon Favreau is panting after this job, and even that David Fincher, who apparently worked for Lucas’s ILM in a menial job as a teen, might be game for one of these new films. Unfortunately, we are getting nothing out of Lucas Land on what they call speculation. I broke a story recently that Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg will write future Star Wars installments, most likely the second and third installments of the new trilogy, I’d heard. Lucas, through Disney, denied every speck of this, but I ran it anyway. They won’t comment or clarify these things because they want to announce it themselves on their own Twitter or website or whatever they’ve got.”

I think whatever director(s) end up getting the job, the studio just needs to make sure to keep the films somewhat consistent.  Every director has their own unique style but these are Star Wars films and need to be that first and foremost.  These films need to feel like Star Wars films.  Even George Lucas didn’t get this right with his new trilogy.  Throwing in characters like Jar Jar Binks (and later dropping C-3PO to his level) was just completely out of place and distracting.  Even the battle droids were given overly goofy voices for some reason.

Jon Favreau:  He could be an interesting choice.  With his past experience doing the Iron Man movies he obvious knows how to handle action scenes, a big budget and to some degree, multiple characters.  He does like to put a large amount of humor in his films, sometimes overly silly humor.  If he can be kept in check and not stray too much from the feel of the other Star Wars movies (or at least the original trilogy) I think he COULD do a good job directing one of the new movies.

David Fincher:  I seem to remember Fincher being interested in doing one of the films from the last trilogy, but Lucas ended up directing all of them (unfortunately).  Though his style is usually very dark, violent and sometimes overly sexual for no reason; if kept in check he could handle one of the darker films where everything goes wrong, like The Empire Strikes Back.  He seems to be a fan of Star Wars, so hopefully he could put his own agenda to the side and stay in line with the feel of Star Wars.  I don’t know if he is the best choice, but it would be interesting to see what he could do with one of these movies.

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