Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Walking Dead Season 2 E5: Chupacabra

If you have not read my review of the last episode, you may do so here:  The Walking Dead Season 2 E4: Cherokee Rose

We open on another flashback of what happened before Rick woke up from the Hospital.  I really like these scenes and it’s interesting to go back and fill in the gaps we the audience have missed.  People are all along the road and traffic has stopped moving.  Shane and Lori leave Carl with Carol to go and see what is going on.  As they look into the city, Helicopters fly over and drop napalm on the streets.  They are now starting to understand just how bad things are.

Back to the present, Rick and Shane are out looking for Sophia and have a talk about if they should continue this or not.  Shane thinks it’s a waste of time and the daily searches are only endangering them and making the group weaker.  Rick has hope that Sophia is still alive, and because he has a son, he knows he would want others to keep looking for Carl if he was missing.  After they get back to the farm, Hershel has a quick talk with Rick about controlling his people.

Daryl is also out looking for Sophia, but after a snake scares his horse he falls and one of his arrows sticks him in the side.  Due to his injury he can’t climb back up the hill he fell off of and ends up passing out when he falls again.  Probably from being in shock, Daryl starts to hallucinate about Merle being there and talking to him.  “Merle” is telling Daryl how the people in the camp don’t care about him and how they are just using him.  Daryl comes out of it to realize that “Merle” kicking his boot is actually a walker trying to eat his foot.  Daryl takes out the walker and another one that is coming for him and makes it up the hill to travel back to Hershel’s farm.

As a token of gratitude, the women in the camp decide to cook dinner for Hershel and his family.  Hershel knew nothing about this and when he walks into his house and sees everyone cooking he asks Maggie what is going on.  She tells him and he says not to get close to these people because they will not be staying.  During dinner, Maggie and Glenn are passing notes to each other.  Maggie wants to meet Glenn alone after dinner and he writes the location down on the note.

Andrea decides she no longer wants to help with the chores the other women are doing.  She wants to help keep an eye out for walkers and be able to carry a gun around.  Andrea’s character continues to become more and more annoying.  First she wanted to kill herself, then she whines constantly about wanting to carry a gun around, even though she barely knows how to use one.  After she thinks she spots a walker, she starts to take aim and Rick tells her no.  Shooting a gun to take out one walker would be stupid as it would just attract more to the area for no reason.  She doesn’t listen to what anyone said and shoots the “walker” anyway.  The walker turns out to be Daryl, who is bloody and dirty from his trip back.  Luckily Andrea only grazed the side of his head but it is just more proof that she is an idiot who isn’t responsible enough to have a gun.

Later that night, Maggie opens the note from Glenn to see where he is going to meet her.  When she sees where it is she panics and runs out of the house after him.  Glenn is climbing into the barn when he hears a noise and looks down.  The barn is filled with zombies!   Glenn turns around and Maggie is standing there and says “You weren’t supposed to see that”.  Well, now we know what Hershel’s secret was, the question is why?

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