Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dragon Ball Z E10: A New Friend

If you have not read my review of episode 9, you may do so here:  Dragon Ball Z E9: The Strangest Robot

As this episode begins, it seems Gohan is starting to be able to take care of himself out in the wild.  He has caught a fish, gathered some fruit and even made himself some medicine to heal his wounds (which he learned how to do from watching Goku).  Unfortunately for Gohan, something big and mean is sneaking up behind him.

For the first time in the series we see Yamcha, an old favorite from Dragon Ball.  He has become a baseball player though he doesn’t seem very excited about it.  Turns out he misses fighting and only plays baseball because he is really good at it and it pays the bills.  Luckily for him, Krillin shows up and informs Yamcha about everything that has been happening and tells him about the offer for special training.  Without a second thought, Yamcha is in.  Yamcha and Bulma also have a little reunion but Bulma is still mad at Yamcha for going out with another girl.

Back in the cave, Gohan wakes up to find he is not alone.  There is a giant dinosaur in there with him!  He runs out of the save but then decides he needs to be brave so he goes back to challenge the beast.  Things are not as it seems though, and the dinosaur actually has a wound that is hurting him.  Gohan uses the medicine he knows how to make to heal him up.  The only problem is, a huge T-Rex (the one Gohan had run from in an earlier episode) shows up and starts attacking the other dinosaur.  Gohan does his best to fight the T-Rex but gets knocked out during the battles.  By the time Gohan wakes up, the dinosaur he had helped is dead and has been eaten by the T-Rex.

After Yamcha brags about how much stronger he will be from the special training at Korin’s tower, Bulma seems to get over being mad at him.  During all of this Goku is still traveling snake way, and it is starting to seem like it will never end.

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